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About Us


The vision of Selah Place Inc is to be a place where women and their children can live in community as they learn who they are in Christ, how to walk in the freedom found in Him, discover their God-given purpose, and ultimately bring praise and honor to their heavenly Father.


Selah Place was founded in response to the need for housing and support for single mom-led families in our community. We believe the Lord has given us two components as the foundation for our ministry.

We want to see women

and their children

set  free

from past wounds and bondages through the healing ministry of

Jesus Christ.

Safe housing

A place where families can rebuild their lives together. Some of the families we serve have been separated for a number of years and are finally being reunified. Others are at risk for separation due to difficult life circumstances such as: drug and alcohol addiction, sex trafficking and involvement in the sex trade industry, homelessness, domestic violence, and extreme poverty. Selah Place provides a single-family home or apartment that will serve as a safe sanctuary for the family as they walk their healing journey together.


We are absolutely convinced that a life rebuilt will crumble if it is not rebuilt on the solid foundation - Jesus Christ. In every interaction, every meeting, every time spent together, we seek to convey the love and kindness of Jesus to the families we serve. We also ensure that families entering our program understand that we are a housing AND discipleship program.


We ask the moms we serve to commit to weekly check ins and Bible study meetings. We have trained leaders who lead women through a one to two year period where they uncover lies they have believed in the past and replace those lies with truth found in the scriptures.


We also assign every participant a bible study partner who commits to meet together with the program participant weekly. They will spend time studying the bible together and set goals for individual study in the days between meetings. We believe all of this coupled with regular attendance with a local body of believers will set you on a journey of true freedom and transformation.


The discipleship portion of our program is the heartbeat of what we do. It is a non-negotiable component for our program participants.

See the path to healing, freedom, and restoration these Moms take while in our care. Learn about our core values and the four pillars we abide by.


Where we are

Right now we have four homes we have rented across Pinellas county.  These houses are home to single Moms and their children. 

Our vision is to build a community of homes where we can help these Moms get back on their feet.  We have the property and the sketch models (seen below). 

We are now raising money to take care of the basic needs of families in our care. 


You can help.


Join Her Journey


Where We're Headed


Located in Pinellas County, Florida, Selah Place is a peaceful, retreat-like setting in the midst of a busy metropolitan area. It has been said many times of this hidden sanctuary that “cares seem to melt away and peace overwhelm you as you cross the threshold of the property”. The natural park-like setting provides the perfect space for women and their children to begin to rebuild their lives on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ within a supportive, loving community.


The community setting will consist of 7 private single-family homes.

Although small, each home will contain a full kitchen, family room,

bathroom, 2-3 bedrooms and a private front porch. These houses

will provide low-cost, comfortable accommodations for families for

15-18 months.


Part of “getting back on one’s feet” consists of learning or relearning how to exist and live free from past vices. Women will be given the necessary support to begin to function as contributing members of society. Securing a job and beginning to save for future housing will be the first step. Women will also be provided with guidance in accessing services and resources within the local community. Education and job-training  will be strongly encouraged and fully supported.


While privacy for every family to live and grow together is an important value of Selah Place, growing in Community is also an integral part of the program. A community center in the middle of campus will consist of space and accommodations for the community’s families to meet, eat, fellowship, worship, study, and learn together. A computer lab, prayer room, community kitchen, and laundry facilities will be available for use of Selah’s residents as well. 


As part of the program at Selah Place, all women and their children will be taught the truth about Jesus Christ, his desire to have a relationship with them, and the true freedom that can be found only in him. Families will be given opportunities to participate in Bible studies, worship services,  and one-on-one mentorship to aid in their spiritual growth. Because we so firmly believe Jesus Christ is our only true source of hope, peace, and freedom, a desire to learn and grow in relationship with Him is a must for women coming to Selah Place. 


We need volunteers who feel led to help with discipleship and mentoring of these families. If the Lord has laid it on your heart to help with any part of mentoring and supporting the families we are serving, we would love the opportunity to speak with you.


All volunteers for these roles will be screened and interviewed and will be required to complete provided training. Click the button below and choose Selah Place as your area of interest and someone from our team will reach out to you.

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